Reply to post: Re: Raise your hand...

Sysadmins, patch now: HTTP 'pings of death' are spewing across web to kill Windows servers


Re: Raise your hand...

Well, there used to be an HTTP server available for Linux as an optional third party kernel module called "Tux". It let Linux win the web server "speed wars" willy waving contest with Windows and IIS which were (and still are) doing something similar. Then some time around the beginning of the century people realized what an incredibly stupid idea that was, so it never made it into the mainline Linux kernel as an official feature and it died from lack of interest many years ago.

However, it did get developers thinking about how to get data from the network port and back out again as quickly as possible. They came up with new software mechanisms which let user space HTTP servers work as fast as kernel based ones. In the end, there was really no valid technical reason for putting an HTTP server (or part of one) into the OS kernel. It was just used to play games with bench marks, and even there "proper" design ended up being just as fast as doing it in the kernel.

I'm surprised that Microsoft are still doing this. However, IIS is slowly dying off altogether so it probably isn't getting the sort of attention that something like this needs.

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