Reply to post: Re: Those who can, do, those who can't, write about it...

Radio 4 and Dr K on programming languages: Full of Java Kool-Aid

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Those who can, do, those who can't, write about it...

I actually quite like Java as a language (for the record I'm a C++ dev) with a few provisos here and there though all languages have their bad points. The main issue I have with Java is the ridiculous amount of libraries and the API size that comes with them. Whether its the endless variations on containers (just how many types of key-value map do you need??) or umpteen different ways to access a DB or this weeks GUI API (JavaFX isn't it?), the whole thing just gave me a headache and is the reason I steered away from Java and remained with C++ which while certainly being far from perfect, once you know an OS API (posix for unix or win32 for windows) the STL and a bit of Boost and/or C++ 2011 you're pretty much sorted.

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