Reply to post: Re: Abandoned their work?

Crack security team finishes TrueCrypt audit – and the results are in

jason 7

Re: Abandoned their work?

Dunno why folks are so against my "Can't be arsed anymore!" theory.

If you look at the timeline there were frequent updates to TC pretty much up till the point UEFI equipped systems started to emerge which TC couldn't support. Then after that it just trailed off for the next 18 month to two years and then the Snowden stuff broke out.

A few months after Snowden we get the whole "TC isn't secure anymore!" alert.

To me it looks like making TC work with the newer hardware was maybe just too big a job and the folks had maybe decided to move onto other (paid) work. Hence the long time slacking off of apparent development.

The only slight conspiracy bit might have been a sponsored effort by someone to put some doubt in the product. If folks are looking to encrypt their laptops all of a sudden and you have a commercial product you'd want to eliminate the best free alternative. Especially one that hadn't been updated for some time. Easy enough to do.

No real need for the NSA to be involved really. I'm sure Symantic etc. have had an upturn in their enterprise encryption products.

Sometimes the simplest theory is the one.

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