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Streaming tears of laughter as Jay-Z (Tidal) waves goodbye to $56m

Henry Wertz 1 Gold badge

"If you are going to rip the CD for use by multiple people and also place it on a server (presumably not as a backup, a CD suffices, especially when unused otherwise) then why pay for it in the first place?"

He bought it because he wanted to. The music industry would want him to pay, then pay again (probably double price) for the mobile, pay a 3rd time for the ipod, and probably no way to pay for a copy for the memory stick... nevertheless, whether the like it or not, this falls within fair use (the wife's ipod being the only questionable one, but it is still use within the household after all.)

"Always reminds me of the article I read where Elton John bought eight copies of every CD he bought, one for each of the locations he required it - so easy to be honest when you are stinking rich."

He can if he wants, but in all honesty, it's fair use to buy one copy and make sure copies are at the locations he's using it.

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