Reply to post: Re: Can't say I'm very sympathetic.

Sony tells hacked gamer to pay for crooks' abuse of PlayStation account

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Can't say I'm very sympathetic.

I'm not entirely certain that this game was added to this guys account (i.e. purchased from it) although there are indications that this was the case, otherwise why would Sony be telling the guy to make sure his account was secure. It's all a bit fuddled.

Considering the DRM and protections against running/copying games outside of your account I don't see what the issue is here for Sony either. This guy has >£1000 worth of games purchased from Sony, I expect they stand to lose a lot more than £50 just from this guy alone, let alone everyone else.

Even though I swore off Sony years ago, I was starting to be swayed into a PS4 because I didn't want an XB1 when (if) I ever upgrade. Now I will be going back to the bottomless money-pit of PC gaming*.

*Mainly because there are so many ways to improve the experience I will end up buying them. (Think OR and motion chair etc. etc.)

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