Reply to post: Re: AC Re: Here we go again

IS 'hackers' urge US-based jihadis: 'Wipe yourselves out trying to kill 0.00005 of US forces'

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: AC Re: Here we go again

".....if they want to live in that hell hole...." But that's the problem. If the twits only wanted to go abroad and die then HMG would be falling over itself to send them on their merry way. Unfortunately, as the rest of us have found out, after their Islamic "utopias" collapse, all too many of the jihadis insist on coming back and trying to relive their jaunts abroad in supermarkets, museums and chocolate shops. That is the real problem and why the spooks are trying to track so many of the potential jihadis before they go, so it makes it easier to keep an eye on them when they come back.

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