Reply to post: Re: H&S.

Health & Safety is the responsibility of Connor's long-suffering girlfriend

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: H&S.

Sorry, it's not training - especially that kind of silly training, mostly designed to ensure a stream of consultants are paid for it.

It's just common sense as you said. Something even the "lowest denominator" should know in 2015 (I don't work in an environment with people just arrived from the tropical forests of New Guinea), but the appalling number of people who put themselves into troubles they should know how to avoid tells too many people are simply negligent idiots. Still an appalling number of fatalities could be avoided - even after training - if people connected the brain before using the hands.

Fatalities are decreasing more because technology improved than idiots decreased. There are far more reliable and automatic safety devices today, than forty years ago.

BTW: nothing happened in that room because *I* removed the cables... even if it was not my duty. The safety officer didn't check anything - he made training, it was enough, paper security, instead of real one.

Meanwhile, I still see most IT offices designed with lighting that violates basic health rules, but nobody cares - it's expensive to light offices properly, thereby who cares about health when it's more expensive that some silly training once every two years?

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