Reply to post: Cfix

Health & Safety is the responsibility of Connor's long-suffering girlfriend

martinusher Silver badge


That bit's easy....

Declare the variable static, put in a comment, send out a mail/tweet to responsible person indicating there's an issue & suggest rummaging around the rest of the code for similar constructs.

Obviously in many organizations you've got layers and layers of management trying to second-guess your work so sometimes the best approach is to fix and say nowt (except the comment). But then you shouldn't be working in a place like that unless you really can't find a job anywhere else. Since Pratchett is still on everyone's mind I will remind them that the Auditors, a central feature of the book "Thief of Time", are drawn from real life.....there's plenty of 'em out there but unlike the book you're not going to get rid of them by just throwing chocolate at them.

(BTW -- C++ won't fix the problem, it will just prevent it from passing muster. Introducing it into the code mix may (will?) cause a cascade of new issues.)

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