Reply to post: Re: Goopy Re: When politicians fail

Clinton defence of personal email server fails to placate critics

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Goopy Re: When politicians fail

Axelrod, is that you? The astroturf is definitely strong with this one!

"It IS easier......" I call male bovine manure on that one! As a contractor during the same period I used to carry THREE phones - my contract customer's BlackBerry (a 7230 tied to a secure BES), my work BlackBerry (a 7100 paid for by my employer on BIS) and a Nokia 6820 (with a personal email account on my own server at home). And I didn't have a big retinue of lackeys to carry them for me as Mrs Clinton did.

"....was NOT illegal THEN....." Very debatable, but really needs to be decided in a court of law to confirm legality or illegality. And seeing as there are probably far too many on both sides of the House not wanting an in-depth look into email, unlikely to happen. In the meantime, you, not being an US court, are not qualified and have exactly zero ability to declare it as "legal". Your blind and unquestioning rebleating of Mrs Clinton's excuses without any form of supporting argument is certainly not qualification.

"......and LATER....." Again, you are unqualified to make that statement. Try a supporting argument instead of blind faith.

"'s called BYOD." There is absolutely nothing new about bring your own device. It seems you are also just as unqualified to comment on technical issues as legal ones.

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