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BBC: We'll give FREE subpar-Raspberry-Pis to a million Brit schoolkids

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"as Lord Reith said : "educate, inform, entertain" - does this new idea not fall under any of these elements?"

There are lots of things you could shoehorn into those categories, but as luck would have it the BBC does not (yet) run the UK's schools, have their own newspapers or run their own cinemachains / go-kart circuits.

Still, at least they are back to building hardware again - ignoring everything that is already out there, making their own incompatible versions, undoubtedly rolling out tv-programming to go with it and blindly insisting that "this is exactly what the UK public expects from us".

Next year they will probably start building roads and teaching the young how to drive.

Teaching kids to program is a goodthing(tm).

Why on earth the BBC is involved on the hardware side of it baffles me.

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