Reply to post: Re: Connected Cars

Nokia boss smashes net neutrality activists


Re: Connected Cars


Yes, what you're saying makes sense, but it's not what Suri said (according to the linked article): “You cannot stop collisions from happening in the first place if the information that would prevent them is slowly making its way through the network." Avoiding an accident (as in not getting stuck in the traffic jam behind it), sure -- reroute around it based on info from a traffic service over the internet; if the network is congested, that info will be late and the car will be stuck in the jam.

But if a driverless car can't avoid hitting a car in front of it that stops suddenly, it's driving too close; same for a human driver. A safe driverless car *cannot* rely only on a network connection, even to cars around it (e.g. the type of peer-to-peer network that auto manufacturers are pushing). Any such network is susceptible to attack, such as by a RF jammer, or simply failure.

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