Reply to post: Re: I wasn't under the impression that they were being argued for/against

Nokia boss smashes net neutrality activists

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: I wasn't under the impression that they were being argued for/against

"The fix is to allow more competition at the provider level, ideally by unbundling end-user services from the copper/fibre so that the businesses/homes get more choice."

Which is what is happening in most countries except the USA, which has been steadily going the other way at state and regional levels, often specifically outlawing LLU and shutting down CLECs as a result.

"I'm not sure the NN legislation will provide this."

It won't and it can't.

The problem is that LLU is an intrastate issue and as such virtually impossible to regulate federally, whilst Internet trade is interstate and as such it's a lot easier to regulate.

USA state-level government is even dirtier and more corrupt than at federal level and it's often worse at lower levels. There's not a hell of a lot of difference between Lagos and what goes on in a lot of backwater USA states/towns (except Lagos is improving thanks to growing middle-class african anger about corruption, whilst Joe America is rolling over and taking it)

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