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Sick of Chrome vs Firefox? Check out these 3 NEW browsers

Andy The Hat Silver badge

It's interesting how few have anything good to say about Vivaldi given it's pre-alpha (and has been for ages) and has heritage. I'm scribbling this with Opera 11.x, normally use 12.x but have partially defected to IE or Chrome as I can't get 12.x to 'liaise' with our IT departments MS firewall/proxy/naughty-filter-total-lockdown-BOFH config ...

Opera innovated - loads of stuff you see now was Opera. How many here use tabbed browsing for instance? IE, FF and Chrome all used Opera features. For some reason Opera felt it was sensible to fork the product, strip out the stuff people liked (mostly its own innovations), and anything else that could be potentially useful, replace it with a software nonentity and effectively kill the v12.x fork.

I like the fact that Vivaldi are attempting to take us to Opera 12-2015. To a large extent I don't care what the underlying engine is, it's what I can feel that matters. When I poke it I want it to respond, instead of wriggling like a wet eel then saying "no, whatever you were trying to change, I know better, hard luck." Get it compatible with modern standards, let me have my tabs and configuration options back and I'll be happy.

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