Reply to post: Re: add 1000% TAX on all hardware and software from US (and UK) companies

Have YOU got Equation NSAware in your drives? Meh, not really our concern, says EU

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Re: add 1000% TAX on all hardware and software from US (and UK) companies

Look, I don't need to submit every bloody detail of argumentation right down to the creation of the universe in order to make a point. If you aren't bright enough to follow along, why the fucking skunk muffin are you reading The Register?

You don't like that I call out the US for their role? Too fucking bad. With extra fucks. The grand old US of A is the one that storms around the planet bellowing about "American Exceptionalism" and generally putting deed to the word that they lead western civilization. Like it or not, they lead a huge chunk of the world, so their fuckery is - ultimately - contagious.

And yes, I expect you to know that.

In fact, I expect a great deal from Register readers. I sick and tired of having to dumb down everything I write - in forum or in article - to pander to a mythical median that I know damned well reads magazines other than this one. If you can't keep up, get the fuck out. It's that simple. I'm through with the white glove treatment, and you can deal with being treated like you grew a pair and learned a few things.

America is corrupt. Top to bottom and start to finish. Other nations are bad - the UK and Australia are particularly appalling - but many (Germany, Canada, the Nordic countries) may yet be saved. We are living through the death of privacy at the same time we watch homosexual rights finally become mainstream, and we watch women's lib go beyond equality and towards gender supremacy for women.

The world is changing. For good, for bad. We are entering an era where we are losing the right to our own private lives, but apparently gaining the "right not to be offended." We are watched 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and everything we do or say that offends someone can and will be held against us before we ever see a court of law.

The presumption of innocence in most avenues of life is being flushed down the toilet. The Americans are one Supreme Court decision away from granting corporations the fucking vote (and/or every dollar = a vote) and with things like civil forfeiture, suspension of the 4th amendment within 100 miles of the border and amnesty from prosecution for, apparently, everyone who works for the government, the grand old US of A has become a pretty fucking dark place.

You don't like that I focus on the US? To bad. Cope. They're the worst of the worst (though the UK is a CLOSE second, and Oz a distant third.) They are exporting this madness around the world, and trying to invade my home with this shit through half-witted fuckery like the TPP.

I don't give a rat's ass if it takes you a few extra clock cycles to fill in the blanks or if you get bent feels because I use the USA as the example of everything that was supposed to be good but has gone comprehensively to hell. When the world is getting more shit by the day (with a few bright spots, admittedly, like equal rights for homosexuals,) I don't really end up caring overmuch about what people on the internet think of me.

Here's a thing I also want commenters to consider. I believe the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I believe the needs of the one outweigh the desires of the many, but that the desires of the many outweigh the desires of the few. I believe in the UDHR, and other such "liberal hippy nonsense."

So why - do please explain this to me - when someone who openly professes to be a hard core capitalist, or a Darwinian social economist or any of these other "fuck you, I got mine" belief systems says they think I am a bad person should I feel slighted? If people I hold to be truly awful human beings spit in my eye, shy should I stand a little straighter and be a little prouder?

I'm not saying you're one such. But I want to put all of this in context. I no longer give a rat's ass about making friends. Not online, not in person. I care about what kind of a world we leave to those who come after us. Right now, I don't like what that's shaping up to be.

And among the best examples of this is - like it or not - the US of A. Other places are worse, sure. Usually they're third world and involve slaughtering people with machetes. But those places don't generally claim to be saving the world and promoting liberty and all fluffy goodness.

So yeah. The US is first on my shit list. Not the totality of it, but first and foremost. And if you - and anyone else - want to change it's position in my view (or the view of others who feel similarly to myself) why don't you start with making it a less awful place to live...or to live in the shadow of?


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