Reply to post: Re: Hmm

Basic minimum income is a BRILLIANT idea. Small problem: it doesn't work as planned

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Hmm


I do agree that the massive cost to pay for a war is not productive. But the point I made was that the insane tax rate at the time was economically damaging while the war removed peoples focus on that problem. The war didnt save the economy, it saved the population from the depression.

War is terrible and expensive, there is no doubt of that. However war is one of the best motivators available of people and innovation. Unfortunately we are at our most creative at our most destructive which has led to massive leaps in technology and skills which have applications throughout the economy and have produced some of the best leaps for business and people. As for WW2 it killed a lot of people, which frees up a lot of job vacancies and so an economy can be more productive and spend less subsidies on people out of work. The US also gained a position of superiority over everyone else at the time which certainly didnt harm their trade position. War does tend to make people pull together and the vacancies for more bodies on the front allowed people to forget about the mismanaged economy.

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