Reply to post: Re: One born every minute

$10,000 Ethernet cable promises BONKERS MP3 audio experience

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: One born every minute

"That's the thing. I know some cables can be so messed up that signals get flip-flopped (1's become 0's and vice versa) or just plain cut off, resulting in signal loss. Just how crappy do the cables have to be to reach that point?"

Just crappy enough so that the receiver can't distinguish correctly. At that point they generally stop working completely.

"Another point I'm wondering. I recall electrons can move at different speeds through different solids. How much an effect would silver have on the speed of electrons vs. copper?"

Not much. Silver, copper and aluminium have Fermi velocities of 1.39, 1.57 and 2.03 million metres per second, respectively.

And how would that translate into a lag savings?"

Well it would effect the delay to the start of playback by a tiny amount. After that, it is of no consequence at all.

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