Reply to post: Re: "Broadcast is efficient"

Ofcom can prise my telly spectrum from my COLD, DEAD... er, aerial


Re: "Broadcast is efficient"

Yep, broadcast is efficient given one important caveat: that there is a large number of people who want to receive the same thing at the same time.

Not necessarily "at the same time". I, at least, record most of my TV and watch it later when it suits me. The broadcasters may not like the fact that that enables me to skip the advertising (but it's surprising how much of an advert one takes in at x3 speed).

I wonder how many of the DTV channels are actually watched by a "large number" of people? Does anyone watch the "shopping and fucking" (or, indeed, "mass debating") channels? My possibly misplaced faith in human nature leads me to suspect that at least half the spectrum could easily be reclaimed without inconveniencing anyone who cares.

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