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Why Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 2? Upton: 'I drank the Kool-Aid'

werdsmith Silver badge

A Pi OS loads from an SD card.

Pi Suppliers will offer pre-loaded SD cards to folk who are not too keen on doing their own.

Most other users download an image and writes it to the SD card, which the Pi then boots from.

The rest of the users roll their own.

Windows 10 IoT is going to be one of those options. Not Windows RT, not Windows 10 Home Professional Premium Discount Poundland Pedigree Chum Edition.

Just IoT as an option, which will run some kind of cut down GUI shell and allow users to side-load apps that have been developed using VS on x64 and cross-built for ARM IoT Win10.

Nobody is trying to kill your dog or eat your children.

Calm down.

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