Reply to post: Re: If you aren't using search [..] you're doing it wrong

Ugly, incomplete, buggy: Windows 10 faces a sprint to the finish

John Robson Silver badge

Re: If you aren't using search [..] you're doing it wrong

"I will forthwith scramble all my possessions in all my drawers and cupboards, put my DVDs in the garage and my tools in the bathroom and spend the rest of my life wasting hours finding back whatever it is I might need to something I might want to do."

If only we had something which could rapidly do the search for me, and get the relevant tool/dvd to me quickly.

In Win7 or OSx or Linux I press a specified key, then a couple of characters of the program I want. This has normally uniquely selected the program, so I can hit enter without ever moving my hands from the home keys.

That's generally significantly faster than trying to remember which sub menu I've stored something in, and select the menu, the sub menu and then the item - and losing my place on the keyboard...

A better analogy might be a DVD shelf where you start to speak the name of the film and you are given the DVD before you've finished the first word* of the title, or at worst a selection of two or three discs (normally a series no doubt).

* "The" doesn't count in the context of a film title

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