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Pull up the Windows 10 duvet and pretend Win8 and Vista were BAD DREAMS


That is very frightening. I think I will still be able to find a legit. copy second-hand in Akihabara, but how evil is it to tie the product to the motherboard and chipset?


I cannot extract the Windoze 2000 from my old IBM Thinkpad, but I believe I should be able to if I want. I bought it. They have a 'recovery partition' system, but that makes it very difficult to make new partitions.

That has been the case for laptops since ages ago, in any case, for any OEM license for assembled hardware.

The Internet sure has many bad consequences.

If I set a device up, I sure do not want Internet connection and control to be compulsory, major reason for avoiding the iPod for one.

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