Reply to post: Linux.

Pull up the Windows 10 duvet and pretend Win8 and Vista were BAD DREAMS



I said it once before. Give those less fortunate than ourselves a mostly terminal-free environment and software much easier to install than current tar files, and I would imagine the uptake would be immense.

It's all very well spouting off about how Windows Sucks and why Linux Rocks, but you forget that we are all slightly more intelligent than the vast majority of Minesweeper players, and unless a Linux distro is developed with the same user experience as Windows 7, it'll always be a desktop just for 'geeks and IT Admins' (as someone explained to me recently).

Mint is close, but it isn't quite there yet.

Dare I say, there needs to be a unified 'app store' - much like iOS has (ughh), not repo's spread around everywhere, and linux devs who actually WANT to use it.

Hey, don't look at me like that.... :|

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