Reply to post: Re: It's not difficult you know

Pull up the Windows 10 duvet and pretend Win8 and Vista were BAD DREAMS

big_D Silver badge

Re: It's not difficult you know

I agree, although I must say a lot of computer iliterates I've come across have been able to accomplish more, more quickly with Windows 8.

One user, who had started with XP, then 7, never really understood PCs - she even saved a document, wrote 5 pages, printed them, saved them, deleted the 5 pages and typed in 5 new pages, printed them, saved them, then couldn't find the first 5 pages she had written and saved! With Windows 8, things suddenly clicked and she proudly announced, after half an hour alone with the PC, that she had installed her first application on a PC - and she had been using PCs for several years at that point.

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