Reply to post: Re: What is the problem he says will occur?

Fertiliser doom warning! Pesky humans set to wipe selves out AGAIN


Re: What is the problem he says will occur?

Excess Nitrogen tend to damage reefs, to much algae and it drowns out the corals, (silt run off doesn't help either), some soft corals can deal with this to some degree, but with stony corals its a bit of a death knell generally speaking they tend to be very sensitive to water conditions. This means you don't get the same biodiversity on the reef, stony corals are also the bones of a reef as well so I guess it may affect that as well.

A fair bit of Nitrogen probably comes from other sources as well running into the water system, rotting waste, bad sewage etc.

nitrogen in the water system, fresh or sea also cause Algae blooms these can literally suffocate an area of all available oxygen, and they overrun plants, taking away a lot of what they need, ironically enough including nitrogen meaning its harder to get the ecosystem of a lake or river back in balance.

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