Reply to post: Re: The NSA has no real standing on helping secure anything

NSA: SO SORRY we backed that borked crypto even after you spotted the backdoor


Re: The NSA has no real standing on helping secure anything


But this is the thing - this conflict was understood and that's why this area is the domain of NIST. The idea was to have a civilian organisation dealing with civilian matters - which government is. NIST sets the standards for the protection of government information, which is civilian information.

NSA is there for the armed forces.

The problem came when the Memorandum of Understanding was signed in n 1989, which had the effect of inserting the NSA into this process, specifically requiring NIST to consult NSA and, for all intents and purposes, rubber-stamp the recommendations of the NSA as though they were from NIST themselves.

That arrangement needs to end. Right now. If not sooner.

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