Reply to post: Re: ISIS needs to hire a PR flack

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Re: ISIS needs to hire a PR flack

You didn't even read what I wrote, but let the last line wrench your rudder from your hands.

The world has an international press that refuses to acknowledge that radical Islam is a pox upon humanity because as agents of a spent and antiquated Soviet Union foreign policy, still somewhat in place, they have got in bed with the inhuman horror show of ISIS et al, their hatred of women, their throwback medieval attitudes towards pretty much everything, including freedom of speech, in the name of a Frankenstein meme that needs to be killed if you are to enjoy the volitional pursuits of your life and liberty. It is your refusal to see what sits in front of your face that is disgusting.

Tell me this analysis is wrong- If the right wing of any country performed any act of brutality performed by ISIS & Co., there would be utter shite to pay in the media and you know it. The fact that you cannot admit it to your mirror image is symptomatic of the schizophrenia that has infected otherwise well meaning humans. Go to YouTube right now and watch some of the insane atrocities committed willingly before video cameras depicting any manner of beheading. Find the one where the victim's throat and windpipe are cut, but the spine is left intact so that the poor bugger consciously gurgles and gags a fountain of blood through his last breaths over a period of 20 seconds, before hes head is finally severed, all in living color and surround sound. You probably recoil in horror at movies of bulldozers scraping Bergen-Belsen Jews into open pits by the hundreds. You are simply miffed that this is not a polite critique, that I use language to match the case.

Yah, watching leftists trying to reconcile their schizophrenic tolerance of Islam with the actual fact of Islam is a hoot. Insanity is ugly. Political clowns painting it in gay pastels will make any rational human feel superior. It's a dark Heironymous Bosch panorama out there son, get used to it.

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