Reply to post: Re: A rock and a hard place

OS X search tool Spotlight runs roughshod over Mail privacy settings

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: A rock and a hard place

New features? Desk top search? Not exactly new, in fact spotlight (or locate) has been around for a long time.

This is a fundamental thing, searching emails but FOLLOWING THE LINKS in the emails? I mean come on! This is just stupid! What you have hear is someone treating desktop search the same way they approach the internet where they feel it is GREAT to show a titbit from that link (Ever used Slack?) It adds sod all to usability, just more of this silly self inflated expectation of interconnectedness.

It is like moving into a brand new home, all the mod cons and shiny shiny and coming with your mailing address already sent out to all the marketing companies 'so you don't have to worry about sending them your change of address!'.*

It is just a complete lack of embedding security and privacy into the mindset of those coming up with ideas. There is no alternative, not now, not ever.

*actually, this isn't quite right, but I quite liked the imagery :)

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