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Anonymous vows to avenge Charlie Hebdo massacre by blitzing jihadist sites

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

The deaths of the French police and Charlie Hebdo staff were monstrous atrocities.

However, true freedom of speech means letting the weirdos and crazies spout their ideas as well. Anyone who goes down the "let's ban these folks cuz I don't agree with what they said" is just as bad as Al-Qaeda and the US government for the same reason.

Just because you disagree with an opinion does not mean you should ban it. That is the thin edge of the wedge and will eventually impact back on your life when the majority disagree with what you have to say. Restricting freedom of speech is an abridgement of every persons rights and there is enough of that going on in the world.

Tyrants want to control what is said, or even thought. Be very afraid of a government who wants to protect you by restricting your access to information as it will only increase over time. There will always be extremist opinions. Only education, open debate, and freedom to speak / write freely can change that.

The Charlie Hebdo staff died for expressing that freedom.

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