Reply to post: Re: Performance related pay

Intel offers big bucks for black women

Indolent Wretch

Re: Performance related pay

What makes you think this policy change suddenly means the interview stage is now full of utterly uneducated, unqualified black people and women, with one poor looked down on balding 40 year white guy?

A policy that means the final choice from the candidates that are qualified for the role should not be influenced by gender or ethinicity is not a bad thing. It's a good thing. It's an unqualified good thing. It's an utterly undeniably good thing.

You racist/sexist arsehole.

"If you're a white male, expect to take them to court when they discriminate against you because you're the wrong gender or background"

You racist/sexist arsehole.

"All those unskilled unsuited minorities that are underpaid will get hefty rises to bring them on par with the rest of you"

You racist/sexist arsehole.

I keep re-reading your post in the attempt to detect perfectly hidden sarcasm. But it just isn't there.

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