Reply to post: Re: @Simon Rockman

Reg man confesses: I took my wife out to choose a laptop for Xmas. NOOOO

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: @Simon Rockman

If you're an author, selling your work, you may find that publishers expect MS Word to handle the copy editing, and I know some pretty geeky authors who keep a copy for that reason. But it's arguable that that is a pretty specialised use-case.

Word is still widely required for academic publication in the humanities. Back when I was still willing to put up with that, I used to compose in OpenOffice, export to Word before the initial submission, and use Word for the revision cycles with the editor. (It was a nasty process, and I've pretty much decided not to publish anymore with anyone who won't take LaTeX.)

My point, though, is while it might be a "specialised" use case, it's not a small one.

I also need Word for work purposes - a fair number of Word docs here circulate among contributors with change tracking, and the last I checked Libre Office1 didn't always get that right. And IT put Office on my work machines before I even get them, and OO/LO really aren't that much less unpleasant, so there's little incentive not to use Office for work.

1I'm indifferent to the OO/LO battles over licensing and control, but I switched to LO a while back because I had to do some presentations for a class I was teaching and LO's version of Impress had better presenter support. Considered using one of the LaTeX slideware classes or something like S5, but only so many hours in the day.

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