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Microsoft patch mashes Office forms and macros

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

<i>Could this perception be related to the recent redundancies at Redmond, which I understand from one of the softie blogs, fell mainly among testing teams?</i>

Interesting. Whatever the reason, this is how it used to be a decade or more ago. And despite the occasional comment about update issues that were so rare as to seem the exception that proved the rule, Microsoft seemed to have cracked this. Like with blue screens. I have run multiple versions of Windows all this time and had long got used to issues with updates and BSODs being a thing of the past. In all that time it has seemed Microsoft had made Windows all but unfailingly reliable. Then iPhones and tablets came into the ascendency and they got scared. And history begins to repeat itself. Not enough people with any authority at Microsoft now who were there in the 9x days?

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