Reply to post: RoboRally

Hipsters ahoy! Top Ten BOARD games for festive family fun



An oldie but a goodie. Relatively simple concept but it's a hell of a lot of fun. Not sure if it's still available or not but if so well worth grabbing.

If you're not already familiar with it, you have a number of boards that you connect up that contain multiple paths to get to the other side of each board, with lots of traps and conveyor belts etc . Each turn the players have a number of directional movement cards they can program into their robots to move them along in addition to the movement of the conveyor belts to take into account. The hilarity ensues as players accidentally (or more often deliberately) push others onto different squares as the 'pre-programmed' movements still take effect.

An awesome way to waste a few hours, and c'mon... card-programmed robots? Awesome!

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