Reply to post: Re: Destroyed All Braincells MiniLove recommends...

Heads up! If Tor VANISHES over the weekend, this is why


Re: Destroyed All Braincells MiniLove recommends...


"This paranoid preoccupation of the wannabes ignores the fact that the vast majority of surveillance by the NSA and GCHQ is of criminals and terrorists, not Islington's chattering class (or the like-minded Berkley commune)."


I disagree there Matt. The vast amount of data being slurped by these people is of Joe Bloggs although the targets are who you mention among others. The big problem the analysts have is that they have too much data, too many tracks leading them down false trails, too many "doodz" called xyz, leading to obfuscation of the XYZ they are after. The whole thing is clogged up with background chatter and they are like partly deaf people in a busy pub, trying to discriminate relevant conversations.

Has anyone ever noticed that the NSA has the worlds biggest car park with a few buildings and a monolith in the middle?

Enjoy your pint, they are coming for you at BMNT and breakfast will be taken rectally. Sadly for you it is toast today, one slice or two?

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