Reply to post: Re: No to gnome, no to systemd

Fedora 21: Linux fans will LOVE it - after the install woes


Re: No to gnome, no to systemd

The QR / htp code, is a disabled-by-default feature called forward secure sealing which is an anti-tampering protection that stops hackers from erasing your system logs or tampering with them without your knowledge. The QR is a convenience for people to quckly validate the server for tampering from a mobile device. The sort of thing an admin might find usefule from time to time. This is supposed to be bad how?

If you don't need it, don't enable it. Sheesh.

And running stuff in user land is a Good Thing. In fact, it's the whole reason for systemd's being. It's the bootstrap for userland.

And no the article you mentioned does not destroy the arguments for systemd. As I said, it's largely arguing against the arguments and says precious little about systemd itself. And ironically considering your link you've engaged in a little ad hominem yourself with your rant against Poettering and Pulseaudio.

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