Reply to post: Re: "E&OE" exists for this very purpose

HORRIFIED Amazon retailers fear GOING BUST after 1p pricing cockup

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "E&OE" exists for this very purpose

E&OE is a significant qualification but it is most exceptional for any vendor to rely on it as grounds to make significant changes. Reputational and commercial damage is such that only a scammer would abuse it. More commonly the vendor will contact you to say something like "we've not got it in blue, I can supply it in red or give you a refund", the purchaser will find it difficult to insist on specific performance of contract if the E&OE clause has been used. It's practical, common and widespread use is to cover the kind of errors that can so easily slip through any system whether human or computer moderated.

If you regard it as a warning sign that raises the question of whether you'd do business with "a limited company". Limited means "limited liability", if they go broke owing you something you're probably not going to get what you're owed (like delivery of that $1000 TV).

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