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Deprivation Britain: 1930s all over again? Codswallop!

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Indeed, the deliberate (for profit of the rich) cult of consumerism, debt slavery by pay day and other extortion loans (funded by BoE loans direct to banks, not street level humans), state welfare for corporations (theft from taxed workers and consumers), and the resulting increased prices are what causes increasing income inequality and some real poverty. Even the adequately funded can get buried in debt if they waste too much income, but that is stupidity, scarcity blindness and greed, not poverty!

Poverty should only be defined as struggling to pay for basic survival and employment enabling essentials by comparing total income against current and extrapolated total local living costs, not from fictional inflation adjusted income or for wasteful consumerist desires!

Living with little money is less fun, but it can be done (I've been there!), so the Guardian Champagne Socialists should STFU, because too much emphasis on scarcity can turn financially competent humans into financial morons, so just make things worse!

When the fraudulent West's, QE and bubble propped up, mega-leveraged financial system finally collapses after decades of financial repression we will get the Greater Depression, then you will see real poverty! Just like the Great Depression, it will have been caused by central bank and government interference in financial markets because the morons allow routine financial negligence and fraud, and refuse to allow far less damaging Recessions to complete and write off enough toxic debt to restore confidence!

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