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HORRIFIED Amazon retailers fear GOING BUST after 1p pricing cockup


Perhaps this is my inner curmudgeon coming out but I think the kind of rapid repricing that happens these days is wrong. Well, at least I believe it is bad for customers.

You see it at petrol station and, at least in Australia, at bottle shops, where the price can change by 20% or more depending on what prices are being run nearby on that day.

In some places in Australia (actually, I think just WA - could be wrong) you can only change the price of petrol at a station once every 24 hours and I think that this kind of restriction should be pretty much across the board - for all pricing of all goods.

Just because online stores and pricing software can enable you to change prices every 15 minutes, doesn't mean you should.

Also, checking out the site, it seems as though it allows you to list the same product multiple times at minutely different prices to flood the 'More buying choices' section in Amazon. To me, that seems to be in bad faith and for me, I would avoid purchasing anything from a company that did that.

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