Reply to post: Re: Not strange to me...

Apple lawyers fight to silence dead Steve Jobs: 'No right' to hear him from beyond the grave

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Not strange to me...

Again Trevor, thank for your reply, I find that what you say is honest and feasible.. I will not try to dispute what you are saying. I won't deny that I may have been swayed by some, what I intially thought to be genuine theories, especially the technical theories,a t face value some of them sound very plausible.

Something that disturbs me though is the following, why are there so many conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 ? There are people devoting their lives to uncovering the truth. Books have been written, films have been shot, documentaires are 10 a penny. Intelligent and educated people collaborating on technical aspects ( Ex-CIA agents ( Susan Lindauer) coming out with their versions of the truths, ex-vets ( getting together and requesting futher investigations etc etc etc .

Is it feasibly possible that they are all wrong, I am not advocating that they are right, just that it seems improbable that they are all wrong. What are the chances that there is Smoke without Fire.

Is it just a general consensus that the governements (those in control) are no longer to be trusted ? Is there a reason for someone wanting to create this kind of psychological chaos within society or has society simpy lots its marbles. Is this the precursor of what's likely to increasingly happen in the near/immediate future.

At the end of the day the same question will always arise : Who stands or stood to gain from this ? or is it just the kickback from prior errors.

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