Reply to post: Re: it's not the Catholics that are the problem. It's extremist protestants.

Furious GTA V gamers seek similar ban on violent, misogynistic title: the Holy Bible

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Re: it's not the Catholics that are the problem. It's extremist protestants.

Sure, but by the same token the problem isn't "Muslims", it's a small subset of "batshit crazy whacko Muslims."

The issue here is that in both cases - Muslims and Protestants - there exist at the present time a bunch of really hard-core extremist beliefs being espoused by charismatic leaders and forming their own organized micro religions. At the present time they are the biggest threat.

I am perfectly aware that the majority of Protestants are completely loony tunes (disregarding the who "they believe in a sky fairy" part for the moment; that's actually somewhat normal, sadly.) I am equally aware that the majority of Muslims are not blood thirsty whack jobs.

For now, however, the extremist elements of both collections of micro-religions are attracting a disproportionate amount of crazies and causing disproportionate amounts of harm.

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