Reply to post: Re: @AC

Misty-eyed Ray Ozzie celebrates 25th birthday of Lotus Notes by tweeting about it ...


Re: @AC

"If you're using Notes purely as an email system, you're using the wrong product. But you can (with skilled developers) build impressive corporate workflow systems, that would be much harder to achieve on any other platform."

If you use Notes for anything you're using the wrong product. 20 years ago it may have been true to claim it could build impressive corporate workflows but there are various document / content management systems which can do pretty much the same thing but through web browsers and with substantially less grief.

And it's a fact that Notes *is* used for email and the email client is AWFUL. Even the Eclipse based front end is awful.

I strongly suspect that companies stick with Notes because of vendor lock-in and a escalation of commitment syndrome - they've bought a site licence at enormous cost (probably signed off by the CEO) and instead of acknowledging the mistake they throw good money after bad in the form of lost productivity for using it.

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