Reply to post: Re: Too subtle for me.

Hacker dodges FOUR HUNDRED YEARS in cooler for SCANNING sites

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Re: Too subtle for me.

Whereas in Canada the use of force must be proportionate by law. By law, unless you have legitimate reason to believe your life (or the lives of your family) are in immediate danger, there is no legitimate reason to engage in activity that may harm - let alone kill - a potential or actual intruder in your home.

The presence of an intruder in your home is not enough to qualify as reason to believe you life (or the lives of your family) are in danger. If you have the capability and/or training to disarm, disable or subdue an intruder without harming them then you are not allowed to use more force than that. If the intruder can be sent on his merry with a few trinkets and no harm to either party, then that is the option you must choose.

It is up to the police to capture the intruder, not you. And possessions are not worth lives; yours or theirs.

The concept that you can shoot someone dead for trying to get in to your house, and where they've made no threat to your (or your family's) life is...bizarre. At least to this Canadian. Possessions are not worth lives.

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