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Pity the poor Windows developer: The tools for desktop development are in disarray

Lee D Silver badge

"tends to be better"?

Not at all sure about that assertion, and I have tried to get both Eclipse and XCode environments up and running on MacOS. In the end, it's easier to just use the Mac as nothing more than a cross-compiler and then apply appropriate OS X glue in XCode to make it work. I wouldn't like to develop on a Mac for a living.

And, actually, upgrading to Yosemite can easily break things development-wise. Have a look on Google - quite a few XCode setups break on upgrade. I don't hold that against Apple necessarily - it's like expecting your Windows 7 build environment to move to Windows 8 seamlessly - a reasonable expectation until you start dealing with real-life commercial operating systems.

Honestly, try and get something as simple as a small SDL-based app compiling on Windows, Linux and Mac. Mac will cost you more from the start, and cause more hassles. Strangely, even bringing across existing Eclipse configurations to all three platforms can be fraught with trouble.

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