Reply to post: Re: Star Trek

I'll be back (and forward): Hollywood's time travel tribulations

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Star Trek

If they ever do invent a time machine the first thing they need to do is go back to 2008 and explain to Mr Abrams why his idea for 'rebooting' Star Trek is a really bad one...violently, if need be. And while they're at it they can go and put a stop to Peter Jacksons remake of King Kong....i mean, how fucking dare he remake a classic piece of Horror-Fantasy! This was a film that inspired, and continues to do so, a whole generation of film makers. Then along comes pete in his size 12 steel toe-caps and kicks its head in! No respect this younger generation, no fucking respect whatsoever.

PS: Peter Jackson is a Big-Headed BASTARD.....hate him.

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