Reply to post: Re: h3

Assange™ slumps back on Ecuador's sofa after detention appeal binned

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: h3

"It is definitely dodgy....." The only dodgy bit was A$$nut declaring he wanted a 'fair hearing' in the UK courts, getting one and losing, and then him suddenly deciding a 'fair hearing' wasn't enough and jumping bail to hide in the Ecuadorean Embassy.

".....They should have dealt with it whilst he was in the country (They had the opportunity)...." No, Assange was tipped off by his lawyer that he was going to be formally questioned and probably charged and promptly fled Sweden. Assange had the opportunity to stay and clear his name but chose to flee, and also chose not to go back to Sweden when asked to, hence the EAW.

".....Sex by surprise is a stupid concept." Do you think rape is a 'stupid concept'? Because, as part of his failed appeal, the judge stated that what Assange is accused of would constitute rape under English law.

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