Reply to post: Re: Does it need to be said...

Space Commanders rebel as Elite:Dangerous kills offline mode

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Re: Does it need to be said...

Oh, and I wouldn't pay much heed to that video, the author of which doesn't even know the difference between EVE:online (an existing 'space sim' that has been around for over a decade, and which he features in the video), and EVE:valkyrie, which is CCP's promised first-person space fighter sim (designed with the Oculus Rift in mind), which although developed by the same company, and set in the same 'universe', is going to be a completely different game. TBH, though, it's just a cut-and-paste job from CCP's own advertising material, and the factual content of it could well be judged form the fact that it says, 'Coming 2014' at the end, but is nowhere in sight (but probably still going to arrive before Star Citizen ever does).

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