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BOFH: An UNHOLY MATCH forged amid the sweet smell of bullsh*t


**There are three types of 'consultants':

1. - The ones that produce meaningless drivel.

2. - The ones that are there to spruik their own services.

3. - The ones that actually help.

It is amazing how much money you can make simply by telling people what they want to hear.**

1. - we have one of these. While he's been in the industry for ages and definitely does have *some* useful knowledge, he seems to produce documents which can only be described as sloppy copy-paste work, add headers, increase line spacing and voila! a piece of drivel.

2. - we had a few companies of those. The finance consultants may even be worse than lawyers about a) not showing up b) booking costs for rearranging flights, first class, on the account of the client and c) not understanding, writing down, looking up (if it was written down) and not remembering what the meeting was supposed to be about. However, the best example yet was a consultant hired to assess the company structure. He came up with a slight variation in task assignment and a recommendation to establish a upper-middle-manager position. then became that upper-middle-manager.

3. - we have a few of those too. While well-meaning, they'll often go for either the most secure option, with triple backups of the second backup, thus putting everyone wildly over budget, or they come with an experimental new idea which works! in theory. nobody's been insane enough to actually try and implement it.

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