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Space Commanders rebel as Elite:Dangerous kills offline mode


I backed Elite: Dangerous on Day 1

I ... errr ... meant to. I forgot. Sorry.

But given what's happened, I'm quite pleased about that - I've no intention of playing multiplayer, and whilst I could cope with having an open Internet connection to do so, I'd rather not, for all the reasons stated elsewhere.

But I downloaded the full Elite game from the link posted elsewhere in this thread, and threw it at beebem[1]. And now I can play Elite.

Is it modern? No. Is it sexy? No. Does it dazzle the viewer with awesome graphics? No. Is it Elite? Fuck, yeah.

So I am transported back to 19<coughty><cough>. I'm having a really good day today[2].


[1] Installed through my distrbution repo, and it works just fine...

[2] I did my first 4 night-time landings tonight. And whilst that has nothing whatsoever to do with the thread, I'm still chuffed :-)

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