Reply to post: Re: Another one bites the dust

Bloke, 26, accused of running drug souk Silk Road 2.0 cuffed by Feds

Ben Tasker

Re: Another one bites the dust

Because consumption has risen in Countries/States that have relaxed or outright legalised some of what we consider Class C/B drugs right? Wait it didnt.

If you're suggesting that the only thing stopping most people from doing drugs is the fact its illegal, you're fooling yourself.

Drugs are illegal because they are perceived as harmful to society. Problem is, a lot of the common examples of harm are a direct result of them only being available through the black market.

There are good arguments on both sides, the problem is that no adult debate is happenning at a level that can make a change. The obvious example is cannabis - is it really right to destroy the life of a teenager because they were caught with 1/8 of weed

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