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Microsoft's TV product placement horror: CNN mistakes Surface tabs for iPAD stands

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

MS product placement never works, because it always feels so forced and fake.

Classic example series 1 of elementary they all use a nondescript phone that kinda looks like an iPhone, but without any branding. It works quite well for the odd camera shot of a text message or answering a phone and it is barely noticeable you never give it a second thought.

Then in the second series something changes and a lot of the characters are now using Lumias and the Surface and it just feels unnatural and too unbelievable, but then I am British and we've resisted the urge for product placements for as long as we could hold out *sigh*. While it may make the show some money it could end up getting it cancelled if too many people switch off because they realise it is just one big advert. Here is a clip for Elementary classic example -

As for Parks and Recreation both Lumias and Windows 8 / Surface tablets have been creeping in a lot over the last two series to the point where they spend a lot of time focusing on their phones and there was even an episode built around one of the devices, which just reeked of marketing BS. No wonder that is finally being canned after the next series. Definitely ran out of ideas when it is essentially an MS advert with a comedy tacked on the end. Well the MS advert is the comedy, but another comedy tacked on the end

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