Reply to post: Re: My two cents

Call of Duty, GTA V do not make youth more violent


Re: My two cents


Not just that but it's also an attempt to present an easier target in place of whatever you are trying to deflect attention from.

As many people (including yourself) have noted, this keeps happening - they just update the scapegoat from time to time as people grow up. You have people blaming 'rock and roll' and then the people listening to rock and roll grow up and are the ones looking for something to blame. So, they blame heavy metal - that's clearly the problem. The people who grew up with heavy metal (not necessarily listening to it, but in that era) in turn become the ones looking for a scapegoat and bam! - there are computer games.

Computer games are slightly different due to their interactivity but there is still no evidence that they are responsible for violence. Thankfully, people who grew up with 'violent' video games are now in their 30s and 40s and so video games are less useful as a scapegoat.

I wonder what my generation will blame when we get into our 50s and 60s . . .

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