Reply to post: Re: But for Southern Europe or US, it could be a brilliant technology

Trickle-down economics works: SpaceShipTwo is a prime example

Tom 13

Re: But for Southern Europe or US, it could be a brilliant technology

Cali may get all the attention for population, but take a good look at the US. The real population density is east of the Mississippi river (in fact, mostly east of the Ohio river) and for the most part north of the Mason-Dixon line. In fact if you look at electoral vote counts at less than 65% the land mass they have 8 more electoral votes after deducting for the Senate variance. And that's after 30 years of people migrating from the Northeast to the South and West.

We get the same weather as Northern Europe, only perhaps a bit colder; well, except for the Scandinavian countries. But I'll bet Maine would be willing to go toe to toe with them.

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